Western Sussex

Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Royal Oak

336 Chichester Road
North Bersted
PO21 5JF
Emailku.oc.bupknipeht@naj Telephone(01243) 821002
Real AleLunchtime MealsEvening MealsParkingSports TV
Opening times: Mon–Sun 11:00-23:00
Regular beers: Shepherd Neame Spitfire

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

A genuine community traditional pub with a small cosy lounge bar used for dining during the day and a larger traditional public bar. Known locally as the 'pink pub' due to the vivid colour of the building it is an unmistakeable landmark. The pub is a Grade 2 listed building and CAMRA pub heritage group are looking to add this pub to their regional inventory for its unchanged two-room layout this is little altered since the inter-war period.